Thursday, May 26, 2011

Preakness Barbeque

so while everything was getting put together for the preakness party

jacob brought in the beer

and after sitting around

and eating some yummy snacks

it was time for the hot sauce taste test 
(the one on the right won hands down by the way)

hmm I didn't know they made a beer after me, she even has my haircut

and my characteristics haha

but then the ribs were ready

and after the sauce was poured on them

that was just about the end of me

I just couldn't take it anymore

so I distracted myself by taking some pictures 

and letting jacob take some of me

but I just couldn't contain my love of the ribs

so jacob went to go get a cake holder 

and started acting very silly

but then I had to get a picture of his horse's number 
(we all chose numbers for the preakness to see who'd win)

and then

jacob took one of my number, which almost won by the way

and while the most delicious thing ever was being made

I took some random 


and then a photo shoot

of jacob



the best icing

was iced on the

but no cake is complete without a little love sprinkled on top :)

ta-da! the best cake in the world ever created...ever.

and then the horses started to come out!

and while everyone cheered their horses on

I took this cute picture 

and then the race began!

and then the ribs started to be served

there are no words that can describe this joyful sight

and after catching a great picture of me coming out the bathroom

I was very upset with him

but all feelings were gone when all the food was laid out

and I had

my first bite of ribs ever

and, like seriously I've been missing out

and later that night we sat at the table and I fooled around with my camera a bit more

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