Friday, August 5, 2011

Krispy Kreme Factory aka the trip I took to heaven

so I forgot to add some pictures of my time in columbia this great salad with these amazing parmesan slices on top :)
and this tasty salmon with okra which is the best thing in the world. period.
oh and also my trip to heaven
(it's a tradition in my family that we always go to Krispy Kreme really late at night and get a donuts)
and I was pretty excited about it because they are like my favorite thing ever. I could literally eat a box if any sane person would let me
so you go in and there is a conveyor belt rolling out these gifts from god 
so first the dough is fried in this oil that is made from god's tears of happiness hahaha
then they're glazed...
yes you read right GLAZED. glazed in oh I don't even have words to describe this moment. let's just say it's like having a spiritual moment when looking at this in person. it's like how people go to see famous churches or amazing wonders of the earth...I go to the Krispy Kreme factory 
gah I just want to roll myself under this waterfall of glory and open my mouth hahaha
and then they're brought out to me :)
oh and I forgot to tell you, my boyfriend jacob is the new model for their boxes...this is his best shot haha
like oh my lord really? it's like a treasure box filled with fat and sugar
I just couldn't contain myself
but my mom was like ok you need to take a better picture so here it is haha
but I really just couldn't contain myself

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